We work with you to customize our
work shop offerings and retreats to the needs of your organization.
- Board retreats - Focusing on board responsibilities
- from the basics to Sarbanes - Oxley requirements; rejuvenating the
Board through self-evaluation, orientation to mission, and clarification
of accountabilities
- Executive team retreats - Honing purpose, balancing
internal and external strategies, enlisting the entire organization
in success
- Strategic planning retreats - Exploiting market opportunities
by aligning organizational resources
- Team building retreats - Unleashing the full potential
of a diverse and empowered workforce
Representative Workshops
- The essence of leadership - From theory to action;
what it takes to make your organization exemplary
- Governance for the future - Balancing attention to
mission with the oversight of management, and overseeing without micromanagement
- Driving change - Creating a stepwise blueprint for
turning good ideas into effective practices
- Growing the next generation of leaders - From succession
planning to handing over the reins
- Turning a "work group" into a team - Often talked
about but rarely seen, high performance teams are born of a marriage
of knowledge and will. We supply the knowledge, and galvanize the will.
Intensive Communication Training for Healthcare Professionals
A full-day interactive experience designed for highly valuable practitioners who have struggled with issues of communication, service, and teamwork
The workshop is constructed around scenarios pulled from the lives of its participants, who have a chance to practice, reflect, and try again, learning critical skills in self-awareness and self-management.
"...the seminar was quite effective in identifying patterns of communication that I engage in that are limiting my effectiveness. The ability to witness these patterns in interactive sessions are the strength of the symposium."
Cardiac Surgeon
"I sent a physician to this workshop unsure exactly how he would respond, as I knew it would force him out of his comfort zone. He came back with a very positive report. Our discussion of what he had expe-rienced provided me a wonderful point of leverage for underscoring lessons that will be critical to his ongoing success."
Hospital Administrator
"[Their] upbeat approach to teaching/facilitating sets a positive tone which makes participants immediately feel relaxed and ready to learn. [They get] employees to look at their own role in creating stress and what they can do about it.”
R.N. Admissions Director
It is expected that at the end of the 1-day session, trainees will have considerably more insight into the following questions:
- Under what circumstances do I engage in interactions that are sub-optimal?
- How can I recognize the triggers to these circumstances?
- What are my options, and how do I develop a comfort level behaving differently?
- If things do not go ideally, how can I set things right before an interaction ends?
- What kind of clues will help me hold onto what I have learned?
Trainers |
Kym Dakin
Business owner with professional focus on communications, stress management and human resource issues, facilitator of adult experiential learning, designs and imple-ments programs with specific focus on effective listening, learning retention, com-munication skills, and time management. Also a national award-winning voice artist |
Grace Cleaves
Business communication and negotiating expert, improvisational actor, corporate training developer, facilitator |
David LaGraffe
Trainer, actor, educator, improvisation expert, artistic director |
Bill Steele
Theater professor, professional actor, voice and on-camera talent, public speaking coach, conflict resolution specialist. |